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Related article: It may be the case that the Earth is simply too big (light taking about 0.064 seconds to travel half way around its circumference) to allow a single being to maintain coherence between distant parts of itself, especially if the situation is very fluid. The larger dinosaurs for instance, with long distances between their brains and tails, and slowly traveling nerve signals, likely found it very disadvantageous to only eventually feel their tails being bitten by some rival. Thus, instead of there being one ultimate Darwinian winner dominating the Earth, it may be the case that there will be a multitude of such grand winners, with the "size" of the area of their control being limited to the longest reaction times that still allow them to maintain coherence across their largest dimension within a fluid, competitive environment. Given the latter case, namely, a population of grand winners, many more complex questions would arise. Among the first questions would concern population dynamics. Would there be tens of grand winners, or thousands, or even larger numbers of winners? Would they reproduce? It seems logical to believe that electronic/quantum computing beings would find sexual or asexual reproduction simple to do, and the process would likely consume little time. Among the winners and their Buy Hoodia Gordonii Plant progeny, we might then ask what kind of predator/prey dynamics would prevail. Control and coherence of the society, moreover, would also become an issue as the society spread out further from Earth, first Where To Buy Hoodia In Canada reaching the moon and nearby planets, then venturing further out yet. Two great sources for further reading regarding many possible futures of post corporeal and arbitrarily advance life, each providing many references, are, respectively, Barrow and Tippler [11] and Kurzweil [12]. 6. A Different post-Darwinian future--A better case It is well researched and documented that collections of people working together on a common problem make better collective decisions the majority of the time than individuals themselves do [13]. Perhaps, if it cannot not be rigorously proved by iron clad mathematical argument, it can at least be reasonably demonstrated through various game theoretic studies that the net value of humanity would rise faster in a post corporeal world wherein everyone is allowed to continue to exist in peace, and no one person (or small group of persons) is allowed to dominate the world through unrestricted, electronic post-Darwinian, post-corporeal warfare. Such a demonstration would then provide humanity with a rational motivation for a smooth, controlled, legally regulated, economically constrained transition to post corporeal life. Yet even if the opposite were true according to theoretical modeling?that, in other Green Tea 315 Mg Plus Hoodia words, the net value of humanity would grow more rapidly with unrestricted Darwinian warfare being allowed?I can imagine that very few people would willingly give up their existence for some mathematically demonstrable greater, but Hoodia Gordonii 800 Mg abstract good. Thus, there will either be a powerful and rational reason, or a powerful, self-preservation-based motivation to seek out a controlled, policy-based transition to post-corporeal life. Two simplistic, first order cases come to mind. Sub case I: Individuals are not allowed to transfer themselves to superior IQ Buy Hoodia Plant mindspace servers. Everyone will share equally the fruits of all scientific and technical advances. Sub case II: Individuals may transfer themselves to IQ mindspace servers with capacities/capabilities commensurate to their wealth. However, most economic relationships existing Buy Hoodia Australia prior to the post corporeal transformation will remain intact. Mr. Bill Gates will be required to keep his secretary. His secretary however, no longer a corporeal being, will not be required to use the services of a dentist. Dentists will Buy Hoodia Gordonii Australia have to find some new role in the post-corporeal world. Again, everyone will share equally the fruits of all scientific and technical advances. This post-corporeal transition will cause economic displacements much like the industrial revolution did. Certain elements of the workforce, as weavers and gun makers were once obviated by machines, will too be obviated, but novel opportunities will likely arise if history Hoodia Gordonii Tablets is any guide. Any such physical limits as those expressed above, designed to prevent a single, singular winner (or smallish group of winners) from ultimately usurping all resources would likely then lead to new kinds of legal and economic systems also with novel predator/prey resource relationships quite apart from those of today and yesteryear, or Buy Hoodia In Australia they might lead to a strange admixture of old and new systems.